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Infrastructure section > Green infrastructure office
Director and Board of Trustees
Personnel office
Office management and projects
City Development Section
Office of Sustainability Strategies and Policies
Urban Development Office
Metropolitan Planning Office
City ​​analysis office
Infrastructure section
Transport Infrastructure Office
Technical infrastructure office
Green infrastructure office
City detail section
Public space office
Territorial Support Office
Office of changes to the zoning plan
Spatial information section
Application development office
Spatial data office
Basic map work office
Legal section
Law firm
Public Procurement Office
Office archive and file folders
Budget and accounting office
Economic and operational section
ICT office
External Relations Section
Economic Report Office
Office Camp
Communication office
Participation office

Kancelář zelené infrastruktury

Břízová Barbora Ing. (INFR/KZI)

krajinářská architektka

Caha Ivo RNDr. (INFR/KZI)

specialista životního prostředí

Ent Zdeněk Ing. arch. (INFR/KZI)


Fejfar Martin Mgr. (INFR/KZI)

vedoucí kanceláře KZI - autorizovaný projektant úz. systémů ekol. stability

Fišer Jan Ing. (INFR/KZI)

specialista životního prostředí

Kroček Marián Ing. (INFR/KZI)

krajinářský architekt

Slánský Karel Ing. (INFR/KZI)

krajinářský architekt

Švecová Tereza Ing. (INFR/KZI)

specialistka přírody a krajiny

Verleure Wouter MSc. (INFR/KZI)

krajinářský architekt