City planning
We create the rules by which Prague develops.
Prague must develop according to a properly considered plan and clear rules. It is an honor for us to prepare these documents for Prague. What exactly are we working on?
Strategic planning
IPR Prague's Office for Strategies and Sustainability Policies is tasked with meeting the City of Prague’s strategic needs.
Prague Building Regulations
Thanks to the Prague Building Regulations (PBR), Prague's building principles are finally in line with those common to other developed European cities.
Public space
Public spaces, meaning streets, parks and squares, play an important role in the city.
Metropolitan Plan
The Metropolitan Plan now wants to return to our roots and traditional city planning where the plan primarily determines the city structure.
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Pospíchalová Hedvika Mgr. (SDM/KÚK)
M: 776 579 330
T: 236005655
Čížkovská Michaela Ing. arch. (SDM/KÚK)
urban planner, conceptual designer
Suchdol, Lysolaje, Troja
Suchdol, Lysolaje, Troja
M: 777 499 034
T: 236005006
Wenzlová Amáta Milena Ing. arch. (SDM/KÚK)
Praha 7, Praha 8 (kat. ú. Libeň)
M: 775 439 804
T: 236004729
Kosková Zuzana Ing. arch. (SDM/KÚK)
Praha 8 (kat. ú. Bohnice, Čimice, Kobylisy, Střížkov, Troja), Praha 9 (velké rozvojové území Letňany-Kbely), Praha 18, Praha 19, Březiněves, Čakovice, Dolní Chabry, Ďáblice, Satalice, Vinoř
M: 771 256 811
Synková Renata Ing. arch. (SDM/KÚK)
Praha 11, Praha 15, Praha 22, Benice, Dolní Měcholupy, Dubeč, Kolovraty, Královice, Křeslice, Nedvězí, Petrovice, Štěrboholy
M: 777 499 038
T: 236004602
Pospíšilová Michaela Ing. (SDM/KÚK)
Praha 12, Kunratice, Libuš, Šeberov, Újezd
M: 777 499 036
T: 236005060
Kunová Drahomíra Ing. arch. (SDM/KÚK)
Praha 13, Praha 16, Lipence, Lochkov, Řeporyje, Slivenec, Velká Chuchle, Zbraslav
M: 777 499 033
T: 236005014
Hladík Jan akad. arch. (SDM/KÚK)
Praha 14, Praha 20, Praha 21, Běchovice, Dolní Počernice, Klánovice, Koloděje
M: 725 531 499
T: 236004741

Participatory planning helps to harmonize views among stakeholders in planning processes, prevents conflicts between parties representing various interests, and contributes to a long-term consensus.