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Planning the future of the Troja Basin

The Troja basin, in which Imperial Island is also located, has a huge recreational potential. One of Prague's most valuable and largest natural areas is about to be transformed. The banks of the Vltava will be restored to the state they were in about a hundred years ago. The concept for the revitalisation of Imperial Island is based on a design by an interdisciplinary team of architect Petr Pelčák, landscape architect Eva Wagnerová, traffic engineer Václav Malina and water engineer Miloslav Šindlar, who won a competitive workshop in 2015.


What should happen and why? What will change?

What has already been changed?

  • Landfill sites have been removed and treated; 
  • Prague has begun to maintain a neglected part of Imperial Island;
  • Preparations for the planting of new greenery have begun; and
  • A circular path around the area has been prepared by the Prague 7 municipal district and is in use.

What is happening now? 

  • A test study of the revitalization of the river, the Troja Embankment with the flood protection system for the zoo, and the connection from Papírenská street to Troja with a new footbridge is being prepared;
  • Various sub-projects are going through a challenging flood modelling phase and intense debate among stakeholders;
  • The final result should be approved by the City Council in the summer of 2021.
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Competition workshop

The competition workshop, which took place during May and June 2015, represented the preparatory phase of the future Concept of the Imperial Island. It combined a competition and an expert colloquium with broad participation. Its aim was to find a shared approach to the development of the area and to select the winning project from the five proposals that emerged continuously between the first and third meetings.