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Imagine Prague! A New Exhibition at CAMP

The city center collapses under the strain of tourists and stores selling Russian nesting dolls. Apartment prices drive residents out of the city and traffic jams increase pollution. Universities cut all contact with the city and hide away in their own little bubbles. Is this not how you imagine Prague? Come to the new exhibit at the Center for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning (CAMP) and step into the shoes of city planners to build the city of the future.

Ilustrační obrázek aktuality

Visitors to the new exhibition at CAMP can try their hand at building the city with something akin to a computer simulator. “You determine how many cars or trams there will be in the city, you’ll build new apartments, and then you can see how your decisions influence the development of the city. You can also compare the results of your decision-making with actual Prague data,” explains Ondřej Boháč, Director of IPR Prague.

In a playful way, the exhibition focuses on the city’s strategic development and introduces a key document – Prague’s Strategic Plan.

“The Strategic Plan looks at the city from a great height; the use of gaming elements helps visitors grasp the plan. The game and the immediate feedback that visitors get on the screen is a great way to show them how the city functions,” says Tomáš Lapáček, Director of the Strategy and Policy Section at IPR Prague.

Gaming tables, pulleys, and dice

The interactive exhibition uses modern technology and gaming elements to show visitors how difficult it is to plan and manage a city. Visitors interact with the large screen through gaming tables and different pulleys. Any intervention they make in the city immediately appears in color animation on a 25m-wide projection wall. This visually striking exhibition was created in collaboration with the prestigious Oficina graphics studio, which designed the animated simulation and gaming system using remote color sensors.

The exhibition runs from 21.09.2018 at the Center for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning at Vyšehradská 51, Prague 2, and is open from Tue – Sun from 9 am to 9 pm.

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