Activity 11 - Action Plan (Planning for Follow-Up Implementation)
11.1 Description and objective of the activity
The action plan essentially “takes over responsibility” from the already completed process plan. It serves as a timetable to assist in planning the follow-up steps and activities, defining objectives for each phase, identifying responsible individuals and relevant actors, allocating budgets (or securing necessary contracts), and outlining essential measures for the successful implementation of the project.
11.2 Responsible person
Planning Coordinator of the City District
11.3 Who to contact
- City District Mayor's Office
- IPR (relevant offices and persons) - for support in planning the follow-up with each tool (consultation)
- IPR Participation Office - for support if needed (consultation)
- City of Prague Departments (relevant offices and persons according to the nature of the project for consultation)
- City of Prague Organisations (relevant offices and persons according to the nature of the project for consultation)
- Administrators (city district, City of Prague)
- Owners
- Key local institutions
- Others as appropriate (developers, government organizations, etc.)
11.4 Individual steps (recommended)
A. Review existing documents
Draw on experience and insights gained from past projects! Review existing action plans used in past projects of similar scope within your city district or other districts. Document the steps and timeframes (start to finish). Simultaneously, if accessible, examine monitoring reports, project reports, or final reports from these implementations. Compare how the initial action plan diverged from the actual implementation (reality), taking note of any delays, unforeseen obstacles, unexpected additional costs, required materials and insufficient know-how, etc.
B. Consult the action plan with stakeholders
Organize a half-day workshop for the stakeholders that are going to be involved in the project implementation. Outline the fundamental structure of the final project design to the stakeholders - share the document at least one week before the workshop for thorough review - and collaboratively prepare a preliminary outline of the action plan during the workshop, which can be further refined afterward. This workshop provides stakeholders with an opportunity to offer comments, define timeframes for each stage, address potential ambiguities, and fill in any gaps.
Ensure that individual project phases and activities are:
- Clearly described, specific and understandable. No ambiguities; it should be clear what each activity aims to achieve.
- Achievable. Clearly state the objective of each activity, the final output, and how this output is relevant to the overall project.
- Relevant. Ensure that each activity is necessary for the success of the project.
- Attainable within a specified timeframe. Confirm that each activity can be completed within the project's duration.
- Measurable. Establish criteria to evaluate the correct completion of each activity (e.g., the number of people involved, the number of studies prepared).
C. Develop an action plan/procedure leading to implementation
Based on the insights gathered during the workshop with stakeholders, develop a comprehensive action plan. Circulate the plan for feedback, particularly from those involved in decision-making, funding, or authorization roles.
D. Finalize the project design with the approved action plan
Compile the final design concept, incorporating the approved action plan. Submit it for approval to the City District Council and City of Prague Council.
E. Approval of the action plan by the City of Prague Council and the City District Council
Request approval for the follow-up steps, including funding, from the City District Council and the City of Prague Council to advance with the project implementation.
11.5 Outputs of this activity (recommended)
Examples of outputs for inspiration; not all are mandatory:
- Output 11. Action Plan
11.6 Budget
If external contractors are involved, the planning coordinators' budget can be utilized.
11.7 Timeframe (indicative)
3 months.
11.8 Note of caution
In addition to involving key stakeholders, ensure continuous consultations on the draft Action Plan with political representation.
11.9 Communication guidelines (indicative)
11.10 Parallel activities
Consider booking a well-deserved vacation during Activity 11 ;).