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IPR Prague's Office for Strategies and Sustainability Policies is tasked with meeting the City of Prague’s strategic needs.

It elaborates key strategic, conceptual and analytical documents with city-wide relevance, and recommends or sets up tools and mechanisms that allow for effective and systematic city planning.
This department is also responsible for the elaboration, evaluation and update of the city’s main development document – the Prague Strategic Plan-- and its accompanying implementation plans. Furthermore, it elaborates and coordinates the preparation of strategic projects, and monitors ties between existing and new strategies.

Strategic plan

A crucial tool for the strategic planning of city development is a realistic strategic plan which formulates a common vision for the city. It determines the main development direction in the medium- and long-term and sets out the social and economic objectives for the city.


The Prague Strategic Plan, 2016 Update was adopted by the Prague City Assembly on November 24, 2016.

More info
Introductory Paper1 A Cohesive and Healthy City2 A Prosperous and Creative City3 A Well-Governed City

Strategic plan in just a few pages (2024)

You could read the vision and goals of Prague for the period 2016-2030 and compare some data on what Prague was like from 2016 to 2024. You have the opportunity to find a number of interesting examples of projects and activities - both those already implemented and those in preparation or in progress. Everything is set in the context of five themes that we consider to be priorities for Prague.

Strategic plan of the city of Prague (booklet 2024)

What is also related to Strategic plan?

Mobility plan

Tune up Prague is a project by the capital city of Prague, which has given rise to a comprehensive plan for how to improve the growing urban mobility in the future. The Sustainable Mobility Plan for Prague and its environs is thus the capital city’s basic conceptual document for the area of transportation and its infrastructure. It resolves the organisation of individual (automobile), public and non-motorised transportation so that the city is not a jungle of traffic collapses. The necessity to resolve the transportation situation is based on the massive rise of the use of cars and the increasing environmental burden connected with this. 

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Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

It aims at reducing adverse climate change impacts trough nature-based solutions using natural vegetation patterns. The Adaptation Strategy also deals with conservation of water, soil and biological natural and landscape components and conservation and restoration of ecosystems resilient to climate change, thus contributing to natural disaster prevention. If nature-based solutions cannot be applied or are ineffective, suitable technological (also called grey) and soft measures, e.g. early warning systems or communication, education and public awareness/environmental education campaigns, will be used.

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A guide to strategic documents of Prague

There are many other strategic and conceptual documents in force in Prague. Not all of them are created at the IPR, but here you can find the most important ones.

A guide to strategic documents

(only in the Czech language)