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City planners aim to transform Náměstí OSN in Vysočany. They are consulting with residents

The tram track between Sokolovská and Kolbenova streets is awaiting reconstruction. The public spaces running alongside it are also due to be renovated. “When we know that construction works have been planned on tram tracks, roads or even that maintenance work is being carried out on utility lines somewhere, we try to combine it with an overall upgrade of the street in question,” says Petr Hlaváček, Director of the Prague Institute of Planning and Development (IPR). “It is an opportunity to improve public spaces – to remove various barriers, to better organise bus stops or to extend the pavement area.”

Ilustrační obrázek aktuality

IPR city planners are preparing a conceptual study, which should produce public spaces that are pleasant to move through and to spend time in. “It is important to ensure that the study takes account of the needs of local residents. Because of this we are organising a number of meetings where we can try to understand local opinions,” explains Hlaváček. Similar “participatory meetings” were also held last year in preparation for the reconstruction of VinohradskáBělohorská and Táborská streets.

Náměstí OSN is an extremely complicated area. It is not even a square in the true meaning of the word, but more of a crossroads into which five streets run: Sokolovská, Freyova, Kolbenova, Pod Pekárnami and Jandova. However, the conceptual study will not only address the square itself, but will also cover the adjoining streets, which are major pedestrian routes – such as Paříkova street, which leads to the Vysočany train station. Local residents can expect changes such as the relocation of tram stops, road resurfacing works and additional street furniture.


The involvement of local residents will take place in two stages. During the first stage, due to take place in February 2016, city planners will find out what the residents think of the current state of the public space and what is missing from Náměstí OSN. During the second stage, which will take place in the spring of 2016, residents will be able to consult and comment on designs to change the layout and furnishing of the public spaces.

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