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Cooperative planning for periurban park at Vltava and Berounka river

The Soutok (Confluence) project aims to transform the area where the Berounka and Vltava rivers meet. This area will be developed by IPR Prague in cooperation with several Prague City districts and neighbouring municipalities, as well as businesses and landowners with holdings in the area.

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Due to an uncoordinated land-use management in the past the area has become damaged and used in undesired way. The Soutok project aims to actively engage several stakeholders in order to find a shared perspective and develop a sustainable strategy for the future development. The locality has a great potential to become an attractive area for free time and leisure activities. The coordinated development strategy should ensure that the unique local ecosystem is protected. A by-product of this strategy should be steering the economic development for local farmers.

In November 2016 experts from cities of Barcelona, Lisbon, Lille and Milan came to Prague and visited the area of the Soutok project. In these cities the experts have transformed similar areas to the Prague one and during two-day workshop organized by IPR Prague they provided helpful recommendations for the future development process.

In the beginning of 2017 the involved stakeholders (governments, key proprietors, organisations, authorities and municipalities) will meet to discuss with individual projects planned for the area and present conflicts. The citizens will also take part in the development process to reach a higher place identity of the future park. Revitalization should be financed from a common budget. First activities should be take place in 2018, includingfast and cost-efficient measures. Diverse events shall take place to attract attention of the public and promote a higher interest in spending their free time in the area.

The future plans also counts on a renaturation of the Lipanského stream and the river bank, improving and replenishing the paths to create a new recreation center.

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