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Local Triangulum workshop on smart home care

On 31 August and 1 September IPR Prague conducted a local stakeholder workshop in cooperation with UCEEB (University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings) and the City District of Prague 7. The workshop dealt with the topic “Modern technologies of assistive care and health care in formal and informal care delivery”. International and local experts and stakeholders were invited to have a knowledge exchange and discussion about the current and future possibilities of home care.

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Local experts introduced the situation in Prague´s pilot district Prague 7. The social councilor of Prague 7, Mr. Hurrle presented the district´s strategic goals for elderly people which are especially focusing on a support system that helps senior´s to stay longer and self-sufficiently in their homes. Further on Mr. Vacha from UCEEB presented the interim results on their study on Prague 7.

The international experts from the Municipality of Stavanger and from the Fraunhofer Institution of Germany joined the workshop. Mr. Bøe who is the head of department of welfare technologies of Helsehuset Hospital in Stavanger presented selected technologies which are used to provide emergency and assistance care to elderly people and explained the importance in senior care. Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Suska from the Fraunhofer Institute enriched the workshop with their presentations about the framework and possibilities within the Triangulum project, data platforms, use of e-mobility as well as possibilities of financing of pilot projects. The experts shared their international experiences and solutions with the workshop´s participants and started discussions on Prague 7´s possible future during round table session.

Several stakeholders out of the field of local politics, formal and informal carers, senior citizens as well as academics and experts in the field of technologies took part during the workshop. The workshop aimed to motivate local stakeholder to broaden their horizon on possible technological solutions, future projects and cooperation.                                   

The workshop took place in the framework of work package 6 of the Triangulum project as part of the Follower City training session. IPR Prague is working together with the University Center of Energy Efficient Buildings and the district Prague 7 on the project on smart home care. UCEEB is conducting research between senior citizens, carers and care providers in Prague 7 to identify their needs in terms of availability and provision of care. The workshop team received a positive feedback from the participants for the workshop and is looking forward to further working processes together with local stakeholders. 

Further information about Triangulum

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