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Prague Seeks a New Design for Transport Shelters and Railings

Prague is on the hunt for a new design for its public transport stops. This comes as a follow-up to the selection of a winner for the new design of Prague's benches, litter bins and bicycle racks.The city’s aim is to create its own, unique transport stop design based on the particulars of Prague's environment. The transport stop should not only protect against bad weather but also simplify passenger orientation and have an attractive design. The competition is being managed by IPR Prague together with Prague City Hall. 

For those who are interested, the deadline for applications is April 18th, 2018.

Ilustrační obrázek aktuality

“I'm glad we are not standing still, and that we continue to cultivate public spaces in Prague. After benches, litter bins and bicycle racks, we will also choose a new design for the transport stops. Approximately 2 000 stops will gradually go through a transformation. I firmly believe that we will find a design that is sensitive, modern but also tasteful and timeless," says Adriana Krnáčová, the Mayor of Prague.

The new stops, in addition to basic functions such as providing shelter from inclement weather, should make it easier for passengers to orient themselves at the stop. Simple maintenance, resistance to vandalism and a universal and timeless design are additional requirements that the expert committee will evaluate when selecting finalists and the winner. The replacement of the existing transport stop shelters and railings will be gradual, as with the winning design for benches, litter bins and bicycle racks.

"The priority will be given to stops that need an immediate replacement or to locations without any infrastructure at all. We already know of over 350 such places," explains Ondřej Boháč, director of IPR Prague.

Unlike a traditional architectural tender, the negotiation procedure with publication is not anonymous. The advantage, therefore, is that the commission, the invited experts and the contracting authority can communicate with the participants in the process. The design of the shelter and the railing is technically more demanding, and the feedback enabled by this process is necessary to achieve a first-rate design. The procedure has three phases: the first phase is the announcement, and the second phase  is engagement with the best 3 to 6 proposals received. The winner will be selected during the third phase, which is planned for November of this year.

For more information, please visit: www.iprpraha.cz/transitshelterandrailing

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