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New Apartments, Modification of View Sites and P + R Parking Lots. Prague Begins Implementing the Strategic Plan

The Prague City Council approved the first of the implementation programs of the Strategic Plan. The capital will thus begin construction of public housing, revitalize the Troja basin and modify important view sites.

Ilustrační obrázek aktuality

“This is one of the important steps towards truly conceptual management of the capital. Thanks to the implementation program, we will begin to fulfill the visions we approved last year in the Strategic Plan,” says Mayor Adriana Krnáčová.

The Implementation Program contains 26 specific projects that will commence in 2018. For example, the Public Housing Development Plan will be created. This project addressed the current hot topic of affordable housing in the capital. The plan will provide Prague with a development plan up to 2030, including the selection of land and the putting together of a detailed schedule including financing.

The program also includes the Strategy for Revitalization of Transformation Areas. This will allow the creation of new neighborhoods in areas such as the freight railway stations in Holešovice and Smíchov. This is because it contains simplifications of the processes preceding the use of these areas for development. Thanks to this, it will be possible to build in areas already provided with good infrastructure in the broader center, which is more environmentally friendly and economic than building on the outskirts of Prague.

“Within the framework of the implementation program, we have also approved projects of a smaller scale, which help to cultivate the form of the public space in Prague. These are, for example, modification of Prague view points, or the Wild Vltava project, which is dedicated to Císařský ostrov, and the Troja basin,” explains Petra Kolínská, deputy Mayor. “Citizens from the outskirts of Prague will especially welcome the new P + R commuter parking lots project, which will simplify transferring from your car to public transport,” Kolínská adds.

In 2018, the cost of implementing the projects will amount to roughly CZK 700 million, and in subsequent years, development projects will require approximately an additional CZK 4.5 billion. However, part of these costs will be covered from external sources, such as the Operational Program Prague - Growth Pole of the Czech Republic. The 2018 City of Prague Budget already includes Implementation Program projects.

The Strategic Plan was developed by the Prague Institute of Planning and Development. The Plan includes a total of four implementation programs that will be progressively implemented up to 2031. The approval of the first of these is therefore an initial step towards a long series of changes that will be taking place in the capital, leading to its further development and growth. More information on the Prague Strategic Plan is available at: strategie.iprpraha.cz

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