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IPR is seeking an interdisciplinary team to collaborate on flood protection for the Prague Zoo and the revitalization of the Troja embankment.

IPR Praha has announced a tender for an architectural-landscape study to integrate flood protection for the Prague Zoo into the floodplain area of the Troja Basin and to address adjacent public spaces and landscapes (with respect to the migration of protected species, recreational paths along the river, public areas and historically protected buildings). Applications can be submitted until 12 August 2019.

Ilustrační obrázek aktuality

>> I want to apply to an architecture competiton

At a minimum, the study team should consist of an architect, landscape architect and traffic engineer.  International teams are welcome. The study should be conducted in close cooperation with a water management engineer (independent contract), who will be responsible for the water management solution for flood protection as well as the methodology for coordinated assessment of flood models for all projects in the area.

The tender selection process will emphasize the quality and experience of the study team. The project portfolios of team members (35%), professional expertise detailed in a text document describing the methods and experience of the team (35%) and bid price (30%) will be assessed. 

The study is expected to begin by the end of September 2019 and be completed by the end of 2020. 

Applications must be submitted by 10 am on 12 August 2019. The maximum contract price is CZK 1.8 mil., excluding VAT.  

More information about the project can be found at: http://en.iprpraha.cz/cisarskyostrovprojects 

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