Case Studies of Planning Coordinators
The Planning Coordinators Program has been active in the city districts of Prague since 2020. Explore case studies of specific projects from the program for inspiration.
The Planning Coordinators Program aims to make participation a standard practice in Prague, leveling the playing field and ensuring equal opportunities for involvement across all city districts. Participatory planning involves all stakeholders, including the public, fostering discussions about the project from the very beginning. Projects that adopt this participatory approach are more likely to be implemented efficiently and swiftly.
The Planning Coordinators Program has been active in the city districts of Prague since 2020. Explore case studies of specific projects from the program for inspiration.
Our latest manual offers a step-by-step guide for participatory projects. It is organized into 11 distinct activities, guiding you through everything from stakeholder mapping to creating an actionable plan for implementation. Each step is complemented by practical examples of documents and materials we use in our own projects.